Tuesday, April 22, 2014

කියුට් ෆේස්. Cute Face.

Meet Cute Face, terrier that was abandoned by his owner in Minuwangoda area. Neighbours called & asked help our team mate Dilu Rupasinghe for help so we arranaged him to be dropped at one of the vets Dr Roshan we work with. The doggy has an open wound in his anus and it is a curable. We think due to old age, His owners probably dumped him due to his skin issue and the wound he was dumped to the road.

He is now at Dr Roshans and we are looking for a home for this old soule.

Please help us with funds.

Cost estimate ( we need to board him at vet until we find him a home) He has been at vet for a while now and its hard to find a home as he is quite old.

Cost estimate ( 1 month)
Rs 300 per day for boarding : 300 *30 = 9000
Vaccinations ( Rs 400 per vaccination he need PARVO, ARV and DHL ) = Rs 1200
Mange treatment : Rs 1000
Medication for wounds : Rs 3000
Transport : Rs 2000
Total : 16,200 /=

What ever funds left will be used for other rescues we have. We will post bills and cost break down and sponsors can go visit him if they like.

Please inbox us for bank details

TO DONATE ONLINE : https://www.facebook.com/adoptadoginsrilanka/app_190322544333196

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